Saturday, September 14, 2013

Bofur Scarf Knitting Pattern

Needles: US 13
Wool: 8 ply

(All garter stitch)
Cast on 12 st in blue.
Knit 14 rows.
Change to brown.
Knit 34 rows.
Change to bone/yellow.
Knit 38 rows.
Change to grey.
Knit 38 rows.
Change to brown.
Knit 34 rows.
Change to blue.
Knit 12 rows.
Cast off.
Sew in all lose ends.

WEARING INSTRUCTIONS: If you look at the original image, Bofur wears it wrapped around his neck twice so that you see a band of bone/yellow and a band a grey around the neck, and the brown/blue ends hanging down to a medium length. (Note: my pattern is perhaps a little longer than Bofur's - feel free to shorten any of the sections)

This is the pattern I used for my Supanova cosplay which was based off images of James Nesbitt's costume and some other people's patterns, but in the end it was my own specifications (I altered it many times as I was making it until it came down to this pattern). You may have to change yours too depending whether your needles and/or wool is slightly different. All my wool was synthetic, although I would have definitely used real wool if I had any.

This was my original sketch based off the movie costume:

I know a lot of other cosplayers go for vibrancy over accuracy with bright yellows and blues, but the colours Bofur uses are very rustic and subdued, true to his upbringing. He and his brothers are miners, common-folk not from the royal line of Durin. I like to think that either his earthy mother knitted it for him, or else he picked up the skills himself.

I hope this pattern helps any fellow Bofur-cosplayers, or anyone who just wants a Bofur scarf!! If you make yourself a copy, I'd love to see pictures if you can send them to me!! Happy knitting :D


[Click here for post on how I made the hat]
[Click here for extended post on my 2013 Supanova cosplay]

Monday, June 24, 2013

Bofur Cosplay

Hello! So yesterday (Sunday 23rd of June 2013) I attended the Sydney Supanova festival!! It was second experience, having also been to the Sunday session in 2011 (click here to see that post)

This post is basically a re-cap on my costume as Bofur the dwarf from The Hobbit movie, and my experience meeting other fans and, most importantly, some incredible stars!!

So first of all I transformed this previously-ugly red tin whistle into a beautiful replica of Bofur's whistle which he plays during the "That's what Bilbo Baggins Hates" sequence. I've noticed, in my close analysis of Bofur's costume over the last few days, that there is this one motif that is repeated over his whole costume - his jacket, his earring, his whistle, and probably more if I looked harder. Once I 'cracked the code' of this motif I was able to replicate it in my costume:


I decided the night before that I wanted to make his tooth/claw earring, so I dismantled one of my normal earrings and hooked it through some kitchen foil that I wrapped around a stick I found on the ground that was the right shape which I painted bone colour, then I painted the design onto the top. Easy!

 Here are some shots of me in my finished outfit. Click here for my post on making his hat (it looks better here - I spent some days shortening the ends, and trimming all the weird bubbly bits of the grey wool, and inserting stronger wire to hold up the flaps)

So when I was at the festival, I was lucky enough to meet Aiden Turner (Kili) and Adam Brown (Ori)!!!!!! They were both flying back that night to New Zealand to finish up the last 4 weeks of filming, so we chatted a bit about that. I only got to speak to Aiden for about 30 seconds, but with Adam (his waiting line was substantially smaller - about 4 people versus 300!!) we talked about my outfit, and I showed him my whistle!! He took it and inspected it, and told me that James Nesbitt would be "chuffed" by my outfit!!! Squeeee!! I really really hope he remembers to tell him about it in the call-backs!!!! :DDDDDDD

And here are some pictures of me and some other Middle-Earth cosplayers that I found:
 Some cosplayers from other fandoms - Merlin and Zelda.

 So I also saw a panel presented by the Knights of Merlin!!!!!! Woah!!!

Me and my friend Lilliani got to get photos with Bradley James (King Arthur!!!) and Tom Hopper (Sir Percival)! So awesome.... besides them, I also caught sight of Jed Brophy (Nori), Carrie Fisher (Princess Leia!), Karl Urban (Eomer) and lots more!!!!

 Here are some final comparison photos that I put together!

Totally keen for next year!!!! Hoping for some more Hobbit characters (James Nesbitt, Richard Armitage and Martin Freeman please!!!) in future years! XD

Monday, April 15, 2013

Gift Jar

So it was my Dad's birthday the other day and so I decided to get creative and make him a compilation of various gifts. The original plan was to include things such as pens, pencils, erasers, etc (he loves stationary), however I quickly realised that new pens/pencils were not going to fit in this particular jar. And it was a bit strange mixing stationary with food anyway.

A mixture of home-made buscuits and jaffas (his favourite) seemed to satisfy the requirements for a complete present. A personal label, and it was all finished.

A bow to give that finished look. I used the smallest, most-masculine-looking blue bow that I could find.

A very simple but personalised gift idea. Took me less than a day.


Saturday, March 2, 2013

Draw My Life

So American vlogger/short-film maker KickThePJ was tagged in 'Draw My Life'. I've spent the last few months desperately searching for inspiration for another video, and within minutes of seeing PJ's video I knew I had to do one too.

An added incentive was his call for a competition, meaning that I would gain instant viewers for my attempt among his many fans, and also the possible glory of victory!

This project came to symbolise my domination over computer technology. I basically grew up with access to a computer, and have always managed to conquer any technical issues that have arisen. But for quite a while I felt dread as I came to realise this film might just not be published. No matter how many attempts I gave the editing process (I think it took around 15 attempts, most taking a number of hours), my computer kept rejecting my footage, even though I KNEW that the footage files were not corrupted. I truly began to panic, feeling the world of technology had finally succeeded against me, but after a lot of prayer the answer finally came from my mum who simply suggested I try on a different computer with fewer files to slow the process.

So, here it is, published and uploaded (finally) onto youtube! The content is already out of date as I talk about beginning uni in future tense, whereas I have just completed my first week of it, but it took me about two weeks to overcome all the technical difficulties.

So here I present my victory once again over technology!

I used a backdrop of playing cards. This was a spur of the moment decision when I realised the camera would show space beyond my tea-dyed paper background. I thought they added a nice retro, possible-symbolic-of-life/chance touch.

To film this movie, I needed a bird's-eye perspective, which proved... challenging! Basically, I stacked a bunch of large Harry Potter, Obernewtyn and Eragon books on my desk, wrapped the strap of the camera around the pile, and rested the camera on top of my pencil case (with the help of blue-tack)... As demonstrated in this picture (minus the camera)!

EDIT: Here is an earlier trial, which is basically what it ended up looking like, but higher up.


Saturday, February 2, 2013

Bofur Hat

Hello there!
So over the past month I have embarked on an epic knitting journey to create my very own Bofur hat!!
As seen below from the recent release of The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey.

I decided to do up my hair for the occasion! It was fun threading wire through my own hair to create shape!

 I followed the extensive pattern found on ravelry here.
Made by this tumblr blogger knitstruck.

My own tumblr post can be found here.

 One thing that has really surprised me in this project is just how useless wire is when confronted with weight. It was very difficult to sustain the levitation of the ear flaps long enough to take these photos - the bulk of the wool is just too heavy for my poor wire. Even my pigtails had trouble defying gravity.

Here's a terrible picture of the back. This is what happens when you try taking a picture of the back of your head by yourself.


Bofur was my favourite character in The Hobbit. From the very beginning he looks a little different to the other dwarves. In contrast to their elaborate beards, he simply has two messy pigtails, and a flipping ridiculous amazing hat. He is not at all proud like the other dwarves, but likes to tease and have fun. The brothes Bifur, Bofur and Bombur are the only dwarves on the quest who are not descended from the line of Durin in the Lonely Mountain. They are poor coal miners.

For me, one of the best scenes in the movie is when they hide in the cave and Bilbo attempts to leave for home. Bofur confronts him, and Bilbo accidently offends him about their lack of a settled home. Despite this, Bofur is the only dwarf who reaches out to Bilbo, and says "I wish you all the luck in the world. I really do." Although not in the book, this scene really established his endearing character.

The completion of this hat has come at just the right time as the weather turns cold in Australia's crazy climate!

I'm definately wearing this hat at the end of the year to the release of the second Hobbit film!! :)


EDIT: Click HERE for a post on my full Bofur cosplay in June 2013 :D

Friday, January 25, 2013

Bedroom Redecoration

After months of planning, researching, designing, moving and  dusting I have finally completed my new room redecoration!!

Here is a visual tour:

 Lord of the Rings inspiration clearly defined before even entering.

The wall opposite the door has my bookcase, display case and built-in wardrobe.

My bookcase used to be shared with hair/jewellery storage and overspilling photo albums. I have cleared it to store ALL my books now (rather than stacked in a dusty corner). It is also in a more prominent location as I wanted the my books to be a feature.

The order of my display boxes has varied slightly, with the more visual elements moved to the higher shelves and more practical storaging pushed below and out of sight. Main features include school signature bears, candles, ornaments and my teaset.

 A closer shot. Photos placed on the top for prominent visual display.

 [I haven't cleaned my mirror yet - whoops] Around my mirror I kept my fan-pictures. Above my cupboard I have re-displayed my main photographs by pegging them onto string. This is a nice eye-pleasing way to display photos.

 This wall is still fairly bare, but as it used to be my busiest I find this quite a refreshing relief! Here I have practical storage of notepaper, unused cards and envelopes, as well as my jewellery storage. Shoes are stored to the left, and spare containers + electical cords to the right.

 I call this my 'Wall of Awesome'. Besides my calendar, I display my biggest fandom posters - Lord of the Rings, Zelda and Phantom of the Opera. [Swan Lake poster didn't fit anywhere else]

 Here you can see a view of my door with funky scarf display [originally used for storing electical cords], my desk for study, and my bed for sleeping :)

Above my bed I display my tickets to plays/musicals/movies/events. Also a row of dwarves (and a hobbit and a wizard).

Here's a close-up of my jewellery display. In reality, it is a lot more cluttered than this, but I removed the clunky stuff for a nice photoshoot. I have separated all my jewellery into different boxes: ribbons, hair ties, bracelets - also a bundle of my headbands/clip-on flowers. My earrings are hung on the cardboard tree I got last Christmas. My necklaces are no longer stuffed into boxes, but hanging nicely on two sticks I collected in the neighbourhood and painted white to blend in. This is probably my favourite part of the whole room.

Before re-designing my room and I set out two criteria to help sort my overcrowding ideas: Functional and Aesthetic requirements. This is a good thought process for designing any room. Here's a copy of my list:

Needing Improvement:
- Makeup/hair/nails/jewellery storage [tick]
- Room for all my books [tick]
- Desk chair support [still need to get a cushion]
- Scarves storage [tick]
- Craft storage [tick] (All my craft-y things are now stored under my bed, with the things most often used (eg: scissors, pencils, string) on my desk in containers)

- Curtains [still to be put up]
- Cushions [haha... sometime]
- Hanging photos/cards [tick]