Friday, January 25, 2013

Bedroom Redecoration

After months of planning, researching, designing, moving and  dusting I have finally completed my new room redecoration!!

Here is a visual tour:

 Lord of the Rings inspiration clearly defined before even entering.

The wall opposite the door has my bookcase, display case and built-in wardrobe.

My bookcase used to be shared with hair/jewellery storage and overspilling photo albums. I have cleared it to store ALL my books now (rather than stacked in a dusty corner). It is also in a more prominent location as I wanted the my books to be a feature.

The order of my display boxes has varied slightly, with the more visual elements moved to the higher shelves and more practical storaging pushed below and out of sight. Main features include school signature bears, candles, ornaments and my teaset.

 A closer shot. Photos placed on the top for prominent visual display.

 [I haven't cleaned my mirror yet - whoops] Around my mirror I kept my fan-pictures. Above my cupboard I have re-displayed my main photographs by pegging them onto string. This is a nice eye-pleasing way to display photos.

 This wall is still fairly bare, but as it used to be my busiest I find this quite a refreshing relief! Here I have practical storage of notepaper, unused cards and envelopes, as well as my jewellery storage. Shoes are stored to the left, and spare containers + electical cords to the right.

 I call this my 'Wall of Awesome'. Besides my calendar, I display my biggest fandom posters - Lord of the Rings, Zelda and Phantom of the Opera. [Swan Lake poster didn't fit anywhere else]

 Here you can see a view of my door with funky scarf display [originally used for storing electical cords], my desk for study, and my bed for sleeping :)

Above my bed I display my tickets to plays/musicals/movies/events. Also a row of dwarves (and a hobbit and a wizard).

Here's a close-up of my jewellery display. In reality, it is a lot more cluttered than this, but I removed the clunky stuff for a nice photoshoot. I have separated all my jewellery into different boxes: ribbons, hair ties, bracelets - also a bundle of my headbands/clip-on flowers. My earrings are hung on the cardboard tree I got last Christmas. My necklaces are no longer stuffed into boxes, but hanging nicely on two sticks I collected in the neighbourhood and painted white to blend in. This is probably my favourite part of the whole room.

Before re-designing my room and I set out two criteria to help sort my overcrowding ideas: Functional and Aesthetic requirements. This is a good thought process for designing any room. Here's a copy of my list:

Needing Improvement:
- Makeup/hair/nails/jewellery storage [tick]
- Room for all my books [tick]
- Desk chair support [still need to get a cushion]
- Scarves storage [tick]
- Craft storage [tick] (All my craft-y things are now stored under my bed, with the things most often used (eg: scissors, pencils, string) on my desk in containers)

- Curtains [still to be put up]
- Cushions [haha... sometime]
- Hanging photos/cards [tick]

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