Friday, September 23, 2011

Face Shading

So, I've decided I'm going to further my experience in realistic shading-type drawings, particularly faces. And I LOVE IT!!!

This first one was taken from a random black and white picture I found of a woman online, claiming she was Joan of Arc or something, but the face and the shadows struck me and I decided to draw it.

 And then, of course, David Bowie :D He never loses his charm.
This was my first attempt at trying to draw blonde hair in contast to a dark background, and it didn't work out completely, but it's pretty alright for a first attempt :)

My dad picked out it was David Bowie the moment he saw this, and mum is still asking who on earth David Bowie is. Even I know who he is, and I wasnt a 60s kid like her!!

Getting excited to just sit back and sew and draw all holidays :) Spent today sewing a table runner for my mum's birthday, I really hope she doesn't read this blog and ruin the surprise!!
Photos shall be posted soon.

Monday, September 12, 2011


It's more than a square!


I apologise that this is not straight, but my blogging thing just got updated and I can't work out how to turn pictures around....
Unfortunately when it's on the pillow you lose all the exciting bits around the edge D;

And this is the back!

 I'm so proud that this is done - there was a point there where I wondered if it would ever actually look like a cushion, but it surpassed my expectations!

I must just be awesome :D