Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Sewing Fun

Some sewing fun I have been creating lately:


Silk Painting

This is by far the most sophisticated bit of sewing I have ever done. It looks hideous, because I did it badly! But through that mess of stitching, I have actually created my own fabric to the left of the shiny fabric by using solvy and free-motion machine embroidery! 

 The last picture is what I created today, and I am quite proud of it. This term we have no theory at all (!!), every lesson is practical where we are being bombarded with fairly sophisticated techniques. This one is meant to be a petal (but I used a leaf pattern and didn't realise that petals don't have centre veins....) and it has fishing wire around the edges to keep shape, and wire down the centre to bend it into cool shapes!

My plan is to create more petals and then somehow join them to create a full flower! Exciting!!