Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Late Christmas, Oscar Wilde and Flowers

So I know I'm 32 days late, but I guess there was more sewing involved than I had anticipated.
But my cross stitch is now COMPLETE! :D


 On another note, I have just finished reading 'The Picture of Dorian Gray' by Oscar Wilde, and it was very interesting. I wouldn't go so far as to say it was amazing. I could understand why it had become a classic, and it had some very interesting ideas about society, but beyond that the plot was a bit thin. I had to read it for research in my gothic story English majorwork.

I have been experimenting with different methods of making fabric flowers. Well, I've only made one so far. I think it's pretty cool, but it's not what I'm looking for. This looks more like a rose, whereas I am looking for a more traditional petal shape.

Friday, January 13, 2012

New Year

 To be honest, one year seems to just roll onto another without too much differenciation.

Looking back on 2011, I decided that my resolutions for 2012 would be to meet new people and strengthen the relationships I already have.

Then of course I was reminded, this is my HSC year.... NOT LIKELY!

Anyway, my Christmas cross stitch for my parents that I have been working on since easter last year... Sadly, it was not complete by Christmas T-T

(P.S these photos were taken one week apart - shows how much work can be achieved with a deadline!)

I am very nearly finished, and like all projects I work on, I think it is very ugly! It is way oversized, who wants that thing framed on their wall?! I'll just be glad when it's completed :)

I have decided the gold/green fabric was hideous, and have now re-ordered my colours. The plain silk 7 colour is a dark red woven with black and will be used for the decorated sash. The lighter red (the colours in this picture are a bit off), plain silk 4, shall be used for the bodice. The red/white striped material is a krama scarf I bought in Cambodia last year which shall be incorperated somehow into the design. The black is for the skirt.