Friday, September 18, 2009

Completed Story

Just now I have completed another of my stories. It was one I feared might be neglected, but recently I've been working on it heaps, and I just wrote a bit more and I was like "that's enough for today" and then I was like "oh... did I just finish that?!??" and i had!! I hadn't really thought about it, but that's the 6th book I have now completed!

... Yay!!!!!

In the end though, like so many of my other ones, my views changed as I wrote it. At first I thought this would be a great one to show my friends, but by the end I think I used the words "soul" and "magic" far too much for my liking.

That's a terrible thing that's happened to my writing in the last year or so. I have made a dramatic turn from including overfilling details of magic-casters, to now writing warning to readers never to ever even consider such things. I can now hardly face up to having written my Doria triligy, cause I used the word "spirit" so much in it. I just worry how some people might take it...

So anyway, I've thought recently that I might take another shot at trying to find a publishing company that might consider my stuff. Dunno whether I'd send this one (I'm quite fond of this one actually! Despite the "soul" characters written about all the time) or my Doria triligy... hmm....

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Swan Lake and Woven Story

A company has come to Australia and is performing the ballet Swan Lake only three times - costs way too much, but wouldn't that just be awesome too see! *sigh*...

A great anime series, Princess Tutu, is based on Swan Lake. I never realised till I was watching it for the second time and I realised the characters and themes and songs were straight from this ballet. I did ballet when I was 5, and only wish I had continued...

Anyway, yesterday I thought back to those crazy three months last year when I sat down and wrote my whole Tales of Doria trilogy. I remembered it was a time when I had a laptop alone in my room, and there was no internet connection. So, trying to copy these methods, I got my dad's laptop and plugged it in my room, and then found myself typing for about 6 hours!! All in all, I typed over 9000 words yesterday in a story I started a while ago called the Woven Story, and wrote about 3 times as much as I had already done.

I am happy I have finally worked out my best working methods. Now I should be able to write heaps more when I need to!

Friday, September 11, 2009

Oh great.

Not only have I ruined for myself that three key characters are kicked out of the show in Robin Hood - but i have recently read that a forth is also killed off.


I never actually TRY to ruin these things for myself, but when I have to watch something that takes longer than a week, I eventually feel the need to look it up and accidently read the endings. And I DO mean accidently.


I feel in the writing mood...... I seriously never ever have time to write. like, ever.

I reeeeeeally wanna read Howl's moving castle again though. I watched the movie last night in preparation for seeing Ponyo (Hiao Misaki's latest film) tomorrow but i couldnt help thinking the whole time if only i were reading the book rather than watching the movie... what has come over me?!

Today in art I saw some old drawing i did this year and was so embarassed I tore them all out then and there and threw them out. I shall never be satisfied with my drawing.