Saturday, December 25, 2010

Harry Potter Dobby socks

After much trial and error, I completed my Christmas Harry Potter socks at 10pm on Christmas night!!!

At least I had two hours to wear them on the right occasion :D

Yeah, a lot of pain to do these...

They were my first attempt at making socks!

I can turn a heal!!!! :D

It's actually far easier than I thought...

Thankyou, youtube tutorials!!

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Manga Studios

So I got this manga studios present for my birthday... and have only JUST gotten round to using it :P I wanted to trial it, and so picked that random picture which I posted previously of my formal dress, and started fiddling with this program. This drawing took me 2 hours :S it's a bit more complicated than I thought... and I haven't worked out how to do the tails on speech bubbles yet!!!

So yeah, here's my random digital art test:

p.s the face and hair are totally off, but i made them just random. i was mainly focusing on the outfit. How cool is the flower pattern on the dress?? So cool when i found that template :D

Friday, December 3, 2010

Formal and Dobby Socks

Well I had my year 10 formal last week! In the excitement of the week leading up to it, and during a very boring art lesson, I drew an A3 version of my dress:

It's not great, but it's my first sketch in what feels like forever! My 2008 drawing phase which essentially started this blog has seriously died down...

Anywho, this is me and some other friends at the formal - see if you can pick my dress!!

Meanwhile, in getting in the mood for Christmas (and the release of the latest Harry Potter movie) I have been knitting some Dobby christmas socks! For all you non-fans out there, Dobby the house-elf knits Harry some socks for Christmas in book 4, a red one with broomsticks, and a green one with snitches. I am very excited about finishing these socks and wearing them for Christmas - even if it is a bit too hot for them!!