Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Leaf Stitching

That's right! Two posts in two days!! So today I started and completed a second square, or rather rectangle, and decided to share it with you.

So this one is my subtle 'square,' so I used muted tones. This picture doesn't pick up the colouring as well as it does in real life... sadface.

Since I do textiles now, and I learn awesome technical stuff, I can say that the yellow/green thread appears brighter than the others, as it is made out of nylon, with has shiny properties, as apposed to rayon thread. Or maybe it was the other way around... o_o


I must admit that I really don't like this square. I was so excited about doing this, especially with the freehand machine stitching....... but I rushed it so much, cause I was feeling frustrated as the backing fabric that I was using kept doing weird stuff... ah well, perseverence!!

Monday, July 25, 2011

New Sewing Machine!

So I totally got a new sewing machine! I forgot to take a photo, and so couldn't be bothered getting one now for this blog, cause I'm THAT LAZY.

Anywho, it's a massive upgrade from our old dinosaur one. I have now learned to do freehand embroidery, which is what I've always wanted to learn! Here's a sample of what it can do (although it wasnt me who made this particular sample - although I'm the one who vainly tried to write 'hello'!)

So I'm currently working on a new textiles majorwork, and I'm working on different squares for an embroidered cushion inspired by the scenery of the blue mountains. Here's my first square that I've completed, which hopefully resembles wattle!

And a close up of the detail:

I've also been learning how to applique, which is how the stem of the plant was made. Applique is the technique of gluing fabrics on top of each other.

My next square is an experiement with freehand stitching on a pattern of leaves! I'm very excited to get started.