Saturday, February 2, 2013

Bofur Hat

Hello there!
So over the past month I have embarked on an epic knitting journey to create my very own Bofur hat!!
As seen below from the recent release of The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey.

I decided to do up my hair for the occasion! It was fun threading wire through my own hair to create shape!

 I followed the extensive pattern found on ravelry here.
Made by this tumblr blogger knitstruck.

My own tumblr post can be found here.

 One thing that has really surprised me in this project is just how useless wire is when confronted with weight. It was very difficult to sustain the levitation of the ear flaps long enough to take these photos - the bulk of the wool is just too heavy for my poor wire. Even my pigtails had trouble defying gravity.

Here's a terrible picture of the back. This is what happens when you try taking a picture of the back of your head by yourself.


Bofur was my favourite character in The Hobbit. From the very beginning he looks a little different to the other dwarves. In contrast to their elaborate beards, he simply has two messy pigtails, and a flipping ridiculous amazing hat. He is not at all proud like the other dwarves, but likes to tease and have fun. The brothes Bifur, Bofur and Bombur are the only dwarves on the quest who are not descended from the line of Durin in the Lonely Mountain. They are poor coal miners.

For me, one of the best scenes in the movie is when they hide in the cave and Bilbo attempts to leave for home. Bofur confronts him, and Bilbo accidently offends him about their lack of a settled home. Despite this, Bofur is the only dwarf who reaches out to Bilbo, and says "I wish you all the luck in the world. I really do." Although not in the book, this scene really established his endearing character.

The completion of this hat has come at just the right time as the weather turns cold in Australia's crazy climate!

I'm definately wearing this hat at the end of the year to the release of the second Hobbit film!! :)


EDIT: Click HERE for a post on my full Bofur cosplay in June 2013 :D