Saturday, December 25, 2010

Harry Potter Dobby socks

After much trial and error, I completed my Christmas Harry Potter socks at 10pm on Christmas night!!!

At least I had two hours to wear them on the right occasion :D

Yeah, a lot of pain to do these...

They were my first attempt at making socks!

I can turn a heal!!!! :D

It's actually far easier than I thought...

Thankyou, youtube tutorials!!


  1. They look sensational! I can attest to that.

  2. I like the blog you tipped me off to! And if you scroll through previous posts, you will see that she has a black kitten...must be cool!

  3. I thought you'd like the most recent post on this blog
    It is about a textiles/history exhibition.

  4. wow. thats so awesome! i wanna do the same for my friend but ive never knitted anything and i dont know anything about it. do you think i can buy red and green knit socks and then just knit the pattern onto them? do you think that would work?

  5. Do you have a pattern for this? This looks amazing and I am attempting to knit ..have been crocheting for years now..
