Friday, September 11, 2009

Oh great.

Not only have I ruined for myself that three key characters are kicked out of the show in Robin Hood - but i have recently read that a forth is also killed off.


I never actually TRY to ruin these things for myself, but when I have to watch something that takes longer than a week, I eventually feel the need to look it up and accidently read the endings. And I DO mean accidently.


I feel in the writing mood...... I seriously never ever have time to write. like, ever.

I reeeeeeally wanna read Howl's moving castle again though. I watched the movie last night in preparation for seeing Ponyo (Hiao Misaki's latest film) tomorrow but i couldnt help thinking the whole time if only i were reading the book rather than watching the movie... what has come over me?!

Today in art I saw some old drawing i did this year and was so embarassed I tore them all out then and there and threw them out. I shall never be satisfied with my drawing.

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