Saturday, August 29, 2009

Drained and Memories

I feel drained of interest. All my life I have had time to read, write, draw, play outside, visit friends, watch movies, play computer games and relax. This year, even though I get home earlier than normal, I have felt I never ever have time for anything. And then when it is the weekend with spare time, I shrivel up and want to be thrown back into the world of school or church where I can't ever think but follow routines and instincts. So I have hardly produced anything this year worth while.

So I want time, but when I get it I just can't use it.

I feel rather annoyed too, as I have ruined for myself that three of my favourite characters from the Robin Hood series die. One I have already seen at the end of season 2, but in season 3 I have accidently read the deaths of two more key characters. Humph!!

I have been writing up my memories from Primary School and High school. These are some funny moments from my writings:

Show and tell was a very important part of Kindergarten for a number of reasons:
* The person who would bring in the most interesting thing would be quite popular for the rest of the day.
* If you have been good all day then the teacher will chose you to sit on the table during it and look out for the person paying the most attention (In other words, your best friend). This was a great honour for you were publicly the teacher’s favourite.
* If you payed a lot of attention and you were picked you receive a lolly.
* There is a vote at the end and the person who receives the most votes for an interesting speech gets their object drawn into ‘the book of interesting show and tells’.

A large problem in Kindergarten was the toilets. There were only about 10 to share among 2 classes of 30 after every Lunch and Recess. And of course, everybody had their favourite cubical. I remember I only ever went in the second last on the right but one day I went in and there was the biggest spider I have ever seen on the door and I rushed out screaming. I never went in it again.

Year 5
There was a mass food trading going on in this year. Usually what was in your lunch box was not what you ended up eating. I would always bring a doughnut to school. I got sick of having all my friends talking about it. Sometimes I think back and I think that the reason so many people clumped around me was mainly because of the delicious nice food mum always packed for me. Doughnuts, Vegemite rolls, fruit sticks, popcorn, poppers, chocolate bars and lots more. I had a thing where almost every lunch I would give Jessica Lesson my popcorn packet and she’d give me a packet of salt and vinegar chips. People soon caught on and tried bringing S & V packets to school to trade but me and Jessica had a deal.

Year 6
Game Name: The Cell game
Description: Started when Kiera was being silly and pretended to be a teacher and made us all ‘stand in the corner’. She then put us in jail so we were all allocated a ‘cell’. Eventually, the game evolved into a game where one person was the ‘door’, one was the jailer and all the rest were residents of a hotel/jail. We had to give our passwords to the door to access our apartment (a slab of concrete between two lines). If we were naughty, the jailer would put us in the jail. Of course, the whole game was played in an out-of-bounds area.

Then, of course, there was the tambourine. Whenever we were talking too loud or the teacher needed our attention she would ring it. When she was angry at someone, she struck it onto the table in front of them, making everyone jump or even scream. Some people were in tears because it was so scary. Eventually, she broke it and got something like a single key of a xylophone and donged it instead

Another great memory is another game we made up that didn’t really have a name. It started when I looked through Zoe’s notepad and found she’d designed the front of it to resemble a mobile phone. I thought it was cool and copied her. Soon everyone was. Then I started making myself a paper laptop. Soon, it developed into a huge paper game behind the teacher’s back to be done when her lessons were getting tedious. I had a pet shop and made paper animals. I also made mobile phones. Kiera had a food shop; Amy changed her shop many times; Zoe was banker and Annika made Laptops/computer games. We used pretend ‘checks’ rather than money that had to have the banker’s signature to be valid. (this was because at first everyone made their own checks for things like $1 000 000

Year 7
We did a literacy reading circle this year. My first. We were separated into groups and every group read a separate book. I think we had me, Amy, Jess and one or two others... and we read the worst book in the world. The Incredible Journey. At the end we had to present our book to the class so we did a game-show where the conclusion was Amy being asked what she would re-name the book if she could, and she said: “The Incredibly Boring Journey”. We all shared this opinion.

1 comment:

  1. Ha! I really enjoyed reading these 'memoirs'! Plus they brought back fond memories of you - eg. refusing to ever use the bathrooms at your primary school :)
