Monday, March 26, 2012

Vintage Hairstyles

So I have had incredible fun in the last week getting into the mood of VINTAGE. I don't know where it came from, but all of a sudden I am obsessed with anything and everything vintage!

I watched numerous youtube tutorials until I managed to find one that showed me how to do this:

I am absolutely in love with this style. For further information on how to achieve this, go to this youtube video.

Meanwhile, today I have reverted back to a vintage hairstyle I have not tried in a while:

For more detail, see Vixen Vintage

I slept on it (quite an uncomfortable experience) and this is how it turned out this morning when untied:

Far better results than the previous two times I have attempted this! Then again, I have never slept in it. It is important for it to completely dry (even after a night it was still a little damp).

My final look:

Friday, March 9, 2012

So yeah.

So I am having another uncreative spell.

But luckily for me I am doing a subject in textiles which is forcing me to be creative!

So here are some nice samples I have made recently of cornelli stitch using freemotion embroidery with metallic threads:

 And here is a picture of my favourite sample yet - a petal created out of wire and freemotion stitching!! No fabric whatsoever!

And that pretty much sums up my creative achievements for over a month now.

And they weren't even of my choice! I HAD to do them for class!

So yeah.

Cya soon, when hopefully I have produced something more interesting.....


(Sorry this was such a lame post, but I felt I had to write something after a month of nothing!)