Thursday, January 21, 2010


Right now, all my writing attempts are trashy.

So I thought, why don't I go back to drawing, which I used to do all the time but haven't done for like a whole year?

Well, I tried that out too, but my drawing style seems to have failed too... unless I have such little confidence that when I started drawing a head and neck, I despaired and scrunched it up and pronounced myself an incapable drawer.


One has to wonder if this is due to the fact that I haven't watched any movies (or at least what I would justify as a real movie) in the last few months. Usually it's in the middle of a good movie that I get my inspiration for a story or a picture...

Anyway, I've decided that I want to go back to traditional fantasy, which I have been too scared to write for a long time now as I often get (perhaps by invisible people in my mind) criticised for it, and so I try to write realism and it fails miserably.

I had thought this long 2-month holiday would give me heaps of time to write a lot. Well, it's coming to an end and all I've written was a couple of pages that really weren't working. Perhaps returning to my busy school life will give me more to do and think about?


How can I write fantasy that is not cliché? Is it possible? And could I write fantasy that doesn't have magic, or at least the main characters dont have it?? cause im sick of magic

1 comment:

  1. I know what you mean about fantasy - it is difficult to be original rather than derivative. But it IS worth trying. So many people read fantasy and get pleasure from it - so it is worth writing. And readers know when they read something distinctive, with its own distinct characters or ideas or take on things. Keep at it!
