Saturday, January 16, 2010

Scrapped and Started

The story I started recently was going quite well - although I felt a strange conviction that what I was writing was a bad idea, and so I am sorry to say I have scrapped that idea. I always keep my attempts at writing, and I now read over what I wrote fondly, but refuse to continue.

Meanwhile, I have been musing over the subjects of abortion and what happens to babies that die and where life really begins and all that. I have had the inspiration to write about someone who knows their unborn baby cannot survive, and the process they go through of deciding what to do and how to react. A more morbid storyline than what I usually write about, and I have no idea if it will work at all. Generally I can tell if a story is going to work by the time I have written only a page or two of it, and seeing if the characters are easily usable, so I shall see if this works.

Generally when I start a story I begin by mapping out the characters. I flip through baby-name books to get some ideas, and then draw rough pictures of the main characters and write up some notes on them. Then I might right down a few ideas for where the story is going to go, and then I get started pretty quickly on the first part of the story to see if it'll work.

What attracts me to this new story is that for the first time - ever, I think - I have come up with a storyline that is not based on any other book or movie!!! And I really have no idea what is gonna happen in it...

Life is pretty slow at the moment. A lot of reading, as I am trying to finish my 1000 page Obernewtyn #5 book I've been reading for a year and a bit. After five books in a series of torment, it's finally getting interesting! I knew 21 years of writing would eventually pay off for the writer.

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